Aldo Rossi, Perspectives from the World

Theory, Teaching, Design & Legacy

scientific supervision Adalberto Del Bo

Aldo Rossi, one of the most important figures of the last century who determined and characterized the theoretical debate of international architecture, both in the academic and professional fields, died prematurely on September 1997.
Translated into many languages, Rossi’s The Architecture of the City (1966) soon became a reference for world-leading schools of architecture, bringing into focus the urban dimension of architectural design, and the fundamental role of history. In different occasions over the years, such themes have stirred up the debate from different standpoints, opening further lines of inquiry for generations of scholars and academics all over the world. Since the time of the exhibition “Architettura Razionale” at the 1973 Triennale di Milano in which, as a curator, he had called on architects from different and distant places to confront each other, Rossi had shown this propensity to look beyond national borders with interest and curiosity.
This volume aims to examine how much Rossi’s theoretical and design teaching is still relevant today. For this purpose, forty young national and international scholars and researchers have dealt with the master’s theoretical and constructed work, verifying its relevance and useful indications for the contemporary project. The volume, introduced by a theoretical essay, consists of four sections corresponding to four thematic issues: “Theory & Design”; “Teaching & Design”; “International Design Legacy”; “Design”. Each chapter presents a theoretical introduction that aims to discuss and summarize the topics covered in the section by offering a possible interpretation of the texts.

Il 4 settembre 1997 moriva prematuramente l’architetto Aldo Rossi, una delle più importanti figure dell’ultimo secolo che ha determinato e caratterizzato il dibattito teorico dell’architettura internazionale, in ambito accademico e professionale. Il testo L’architettura della città, scritto da Rossi alla metà degli anni Settanta e tradotto nelle lingue più importanti, ha contribuito ad ampliare i temi e i problemi del dibattito architettonico attraverso l’introduzione della questione urbana e del ruolo della storia quali elementi significativi del progetto. Su questi temi generazioni di docenti e ricercatori di tutto il mondo si sono confrontati costruendo punti di vista originali e aggiornati rispetto agli specifici ambiti culturali. Infatti, fin dai tempi della mostra “Architettura razionale” alla Triennale di Milano (1973) in cui, in qualità di curatore, aveva chiamato al confronto architetti provenienti da luoghi diversi e lontani, Aldo Rossi aveva dimostrato questa sua propensione a guardare oltre i confini nazionali con interesse e curiosità. Il volume si pone l’obiettivo di esaminare quanto l’insegnamento teorico e progettuale di Rossi oggi sia ancora attuale. A questo scopo quaranta giovani studiosi e ricercatori nazionali e internazionali si sono confrontati con l’opera teorica e costruita del maestro, verificandone l’attualità e le indicazioni utili al progetto contemporaneo.

Marco Bovati (1968), M.Arch. and PhD at Politecnico di Milano. He is currently Associate Professor at Department of Architecture and Urban Studies and teaches Architectural and Urban Design. His research work concerns the relation among Architectural theories, Design methodologies and the issue of sustainability.

Michele Caja (1968), M.Arch. at Politecnico di Milano and PhD at Università Iuav di Venezia. He is currently Associate Professor at Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering and teaches Architectural and Urban Design. His research topics concern the relation between Italy and Germany.

Adalberto Del Bo (1948) graduated at Politecnico di Milano where he taught as Full Professor in Architectural and Urban Design. Author of public buildings, he published studies on theoretical and practical aspects of architectural and urban design on which he organized exhibitions and chaired international conferences.

Martina Landsberger (1963), M.Arch. at Politecnico di Milano and PhD at Università Iuav di Venezia. She is currently Associate Professor at Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering and teaches Architectural and Urban Design. Her research topics concern the relation between architecture and construction.

Angelo Lorenzi (1963), M.Arch. at Politecnico di Milano and PhD at Università Iuav di Venezia. He is currently Associate Professor at Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering and teaches Architectural and Urban Design. His research topics concern the relation between ancient and new in architecture.
Marco Bovati, Michele Caja, Martina Landsberger e Angelo Lorenzi sono professori associati in Progettazione architettonica e urbana presso il Dipartimento di Architettura e studi urbani (DAStu) e il Dipartimento di Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni e ambiente costruito (ABC) del Politecnico di Milano.

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