The March of Mind

The “Edinburgh Review” and the Criticism to Common-Sense Philosophy

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This volume proposes a selection of the papers published between 1804 and 1825 and expressing open criticism against Dugald Stewart and common sense philosophy. While the turn of the century is often pictured in terms of decadence of the Scottish philosophy, early nineteenth century Scottish culture was reappraised by George E. Davie, who emphasised the Scottish contribution to the development of British science. This volume offers papers by Francis Jeffrey, James Mackintosh and James Mill, that ‘galvanised the Scottish intellectual establishment as nothing had done since the challenge of David Hume’.

Cristina Paoletti (PhD, University of Bologna) has devoted her research to the history of Scottish philosophy and science in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She has authored articles on the common-sense philosophy and a monography on Thomas Brown (La difesa dell’errore. Senso comune e filosofia positiva in Thomas Brown, Bologna 2006).

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